Monday, April 7, 2008

The Biggest Secret of Affiliate Best Marketing Program

You can make money with affiliate marketing. There are many great affiliate marketing programs in the internet. If you keep searching for the affiliate best marketing program then you miss the point. The biggest secret to succeed is not selecting the affiliate best marketing program but implementing MY FACE formula.

I learn from my coach, Ewen Chia, that to run a successful business requires FACE = Focus, Action, Commitment and Education. I add two other elements MY = Me and Why (Y). You will make money with affiliate marketing better when you apply MY FACE formula:

• Me -- It is “I” who is responsible for my successes and failures. If the business fails, the only person to blame is “Me”, not other people.

• Why – This is the strong self-drive that reminds you daily. Without a strong “Why”, you’ll end up joining the 90% of the people who fail in this business.

• Focus -- The keys to have the focus are priorities and concentration. Focus your efforts on doing the things that have the most significant impacts on your business. Focus on one business while you are building a home internet business and make sure it creates steady income.

• Action -- If your goals are not followed up by concrete actions, they will forever remain dreams. But if you act on them, they will become your destiny.

• Commitment -- Commitment is the undying determination which keeps you going no matter the obstacles. The real measure of commitment is action.

• Education -- Internet business is a growing business. You need to keep up-to-date with the market trends and needs. You must invest in your personal development to bring your affiliate marketing program to the next level.

Let's implement MY FACE...

Affiliate Best Marketing Program
FREE Website Builder & Wealth Reports

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